domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Grave Throne

Grave Throne es una banda de "Raw Black Metal", cuyas liricas hablan acerca de, "Satanismo, Ocultismo, Blasfemia y Oscuridad", es una de aquellas bandas Underground, de las cuales no se poseen mucha informacion, formada en el año de 2004...

Lord of Satanic Necrophilia (Julio Ardon) - Todos los instrumentos y vocales (Necromancer (Slv), Serpent Hordes, Bestial Cult, Blasfematorio, Sulphure, Darkness in the Moon, Vomit Christ).

Poseen alrededor de 3 Demos:

1- Grave Throne - Merciless Satan Arises

1. Breaking Cristian Faith (Torturing in Satan's Name) 04:47

2. Satanic War 04:25

3. Eternal Gravethrone of the Abyss 05:48

Total playing time 15:00

2- Grave Throne - Burning the Flesh and Bones of Christ

1. Black Icons to Destroy Angels 05:44

2. Blasphemous Nuclear Hellstorm of Satan 03:17

3. Hail Satans 05:42

4. Infernal Altar of Suicide 04:58

5. Satanic Blood (Von cover) 02:13 [view lyrics]

Total playing time 21:54

3- Grave Throne - Unholy Destructor

1. Prayer Of Destruction 01:31

2. Requiem Of Devastation 05:13

3. Hails Satanas 05:50

4. Blasphemous Nuclear Hellstorm Of Satan 03:20

5. Black Irons To Destroy Angels 05:43

6. Infernal Altar Of Suicide 05:02

7. Sadistic Sacrifice 03:42

8. Nuclear Salvation

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