Necromancer es una banda de "Raw Black Metal", de la escena Underground Salvadoreña, cuyas liricas hablan acerca del "Satanismo", nacio en El Salvador en el año 2000, su alineacion actual es la siguiente...
Necromanticus - Guitar, Vocals, Bass (Serpent Hordes, Bestial Cult).
Sulphur - Session drums (Sulphure, Hex (Slv)).
Sus miembros anteriores son:
Black Tormentor of Satan
Infernal Mayhem - Drums
Lord of Satanic Necrophilia (Julio Ardon) - Drums (Blasfematorio, Serpent Hordes, Bestial Cult, Grave Throne, Sulphure, Darkness in the Moon, Vomit Christ)
Estas son de las bandas que no se posee mucha informacion, consta de 4 Demos, de los cuales son:
1- Necromancer (Slv) - Three Songs for Satan
Limited to 200 Copies
1. Necromantic Ritual 05:59
2. Pentagram (with) Flames Up High 07:23
3. Fullmoon Rites 07:27
Total playing time 20:49
2- Necromancer (Slv) - Satan Rules Supreme!! (Este es un Split).
Limited to 666 copies
Necromancer (Slv)
1. Necromantic Ritual 06:58
2. Chalice with Blood 07:01
3. Voice of Satan 10:27
Serpent Hordes
4. Satan Rules Supreme (Intro) / Tormenting Ritual for the Destruction of the Heavens 01:12
5. Black Vomits and Spits upon the Church That's on Fire 02:47
6. Black Goat Commando 02:45
7. Hellish Troops Battle for the Unholy Master 04:13
8. Black Blasphemies Attack the Church 01:28
9. Beast of Unholy Fornication 02:04
10. Forest Full of Crosses Broken With Hate and Satanic Blasphemies 04:12
Total playing time 43:10
3- Necromancer (Slv) - Black Legions
Limited to 200 copies
1. Throne of Satan 05:35
2. Dominions of the Black Legions 11:13
3. Necromantic Ritual (Version 2002) 07:07
Total playing time 23:55
4- Necromancer (Slv) - Fallen Souls / Necromancer (Este es otro Split).
7"Ep limited to 300 handnumbered copies
Fallen Souls
1. Behold The Eyes Of The Black Dragon 05:17
2. Raped, Murder And Fuck 03:12
Necromancer (Slv)
3. Blacks Souls Of The Necromancer 08:03
Total playing time 16:32
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